Hero image






Introduce children to bacteria, viruses and fungi as micro-organisms. They are living organisms and are very small. Investigate how the numbers of bacteria grow by simple division and gain an understanding of their size compared to a metre. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Session 1 - Children consider the development that they have undergone since they were babies. Draw a timeline of their lives so far. Continue research into the life stages of another animal concentrating on how quickly the babies develop. Have a baby photo challenge! Session 2 - Look at the proportions of a human adult as shown by Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man. Investigate the shape changes between a baby and an adult human, concentrating on the head to body length ratio. Measure and draw graphs. Sketch children and adults in proportion. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Food webs

Food webs

A wonderful food web is weaved in this session as children create more complex feeding relationships. Through practical activity they discover the impact that subtle changes can have on the whole web! Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Food chains

Food chains

All plants and animals living in a habitat are interdependent. In this session the children investigate a number of feeding relationships and create food chains to show the transfer of energy from the producers through the consumers. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Did you know that Polar Bears don’t actually have white fur? But what they do have are many other adaptations that make them well suited to the Polar habitat. Children identify how other creatures have adapted to their habitat. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Same and different

Same and different

The first two sessions are an introduction to the Strand. Session 1 - Help children appreciate that there are many physical differences between plants and animals (including humans) that are not necessarily good or bad nor important to function or ability. Session 2 - Look in more detail at differences between people living in Britain. Discuss our multi-cultural society. Share poems in We are Britain by Benjamin Zephaniah to inspire children to write poems about themselves. Can children recognise their own Wanted poster? Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Leaf key

Leaf key

Leaves are a useful way of identifying plants, but they come in so many shapes and sizes! Children take a closer look at the structure of some collected leaves before creating a dichotomous key to help identify them. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Children check in on the patients from Session A and find out how they create their own food in the form of sugars using water, light and carbon dioxide. They consider the role of each plant part in photosynthesis. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Plant doctors

Plant doctors

The Plant Drs are on call in this session & two very ill patients have arrived! What do they need to recover? Children revise the ideal conditions for plant growth é use them to watch the plants recover using time lapse photography. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Other drugs

Other drugs

Discuss the use of the word drug for medicinal purposes as well as addictive substances. Children draw posters warning about the dangers of drugs in the home and draw conclusions about the various ongoing investigations about micro-organisms. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Diseases and antibiotics

Diseases and antibiotics

Look at diseases caused by micro-organisms. Invite a health professional into class for children to question. Discuss prevention and cure of illnesses caused by microbes including vaccination and antibiotics. Find out about the work of some famous scientists. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Green micro-organisms

Green micro-organisms

Micro-organisms can be beneficial and in this session children explore their role in compost production. Find out why it’s important to compost and what can be composted. Make mini compost heaps, look at food chains and create a compost heap story for younger children.
The Healthy Box

The Healthy Box

Explore with Children the basis needs to ensure good health, and how they are interconnected using the concept of a ‘healthy box’. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Clean Water and Health

Clean Water and Health

Children research the impact of dirty water on health. They present research to the class and identify the biggest killer diseases. Opportunity here to link back to the water topic, and understanding of a preventable disease. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Plant growth

Plant growth

Children receive a letter requesting help from the Native Nursery. Children must design and set up experiments to find the best conditions for growing seeds. They will monitor progress and report their findings in Session F. Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.
Water cycle

Water cycle

Children explain how evaporation and condensation are involved in the water cycle and describe all the water cycle processes. Identify the different forms of water that are seen in various weather conditions and the different clouds that are seen in our skies. Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Freezing and boiling

Freezing and boiling

Children practise using thermometers to measure temperature accurately. They find the freezing and boiling points of water and discuss what happens if you add salt to the liquid. Use coloured ice cubes to investigate properties of solids and liquids. Suitable for Y5 pupils.


In this session children blast off to the far flung corners of the galaxy to find out more about the planets that make up our solar system. They collect data in the form of a fact file used to report back to the rest of the class. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Elastic band investigation

Elastic band investigation

S – t – r – e – t – c – h is the key word in this session as elastic bands are safely tested in the classroom. What happens as the mass suspended from the elastic band increases? Data on graphs will make the outcome clear. Suitable for Year 6 pupils.
Star constellations

Star constellations

Children have stars in their eyes in this session as they find out more using internet research. They identify common constellations and discover how they are linked to horoscopes. How accurate are their star sign characteristics? Suitable for Year 5 pupils.